====== Astroid Planning Release Notes ====== **Version:** 2.3.2\\ **Date:** Mar 12, 2019 The release version build of the Astroid Planning App version 2.3.2 is now available. No existing ResultsAPI function signatures are changed in this release. This release includes the following changes since the previous release: * Fixed exported CT image set not linking to the rest of the DICOM files if manually changing patient MRN. * Non DICOM files are now filtered out from the DICOM Upload UI. * Fixed 409s being thrown when exporting DICOM files to new patient. * Course Prescription UI has been updated to show original DICOM structure names. * The “mco_optimizer” is able to be specified in the site_info's pluggable_functions. * Valid options include “ART3+O” and “Nymph”. * The “Nymph” optimizer option removes the feasibility user interface. * The optimization UI has been updated to allow the user to select the mco_optimizer from the site_info * The first entry in the site info pluggable_functions map for the key “mco_optimizer” will be the default option. * If only one option is present in the pluggable_functions list for the mco_optimizer key, then that optimizer will automatically be used. * Treatment plan names are now limited to 64 characters as per DICOM spec limitation. * Export button layout in Planning has been updated to avoid aspects of the UI being out of the frame. * Fixed bug that had Planning crash when all export items were not available. * Export button has been disabled if no export options are selected. * Fixes bug with canceled calculations being resubmitted as “level 1”.