====== decimal Bolus Designer Overview ====== **App Version: 1.0.0**\\ Note: This user guide is intended only for the latest version of the decimal Bolus Designer app listed above. Please refer to the [[bolusdesigner:versions|decimal Bolus Designer version history]] for the complete listing of user guides. {{:logo.png?250 |}} decimal Bolus Designer is used for designing and editing DICOM structure files to .decimal for manufacturing as a bolus treatment device. The decimal Bolus Designer app allows users to import DICOM files, edit or design the treatment bolus, and place the order to [[https://direct.dotdecimal.com|decimal Direct]]. decimal Bolus Designer is powered by [[pdotd:pdotd|p.d]] bolus design algorithms and is considered to be a re-branded p.d family product. The decimal Bolus Designer application extends the 'Structure as Bolus' p.d functionality and provides a simpler application interface and more feature rich structure based bolus design tools. \\ ===== Instructions For Use ===== The decimal Bolus Designer [[bolusdesigner:instructions_for_use:instructions_for_use|Instructions For Use]] outlines the intended use and user requirements of using the decimal Bolus Designer app. // **[[bolusdesigner:instructions_for_use:instructions_for_use#overview_and_instructions_for_use|Overview]]** // Intended use and indications for use of the application. // **[[bolusdesigner:instructions_for_use:instructions_for_use#warning|Warning]]** // Warning of potential misuse. // **[[bolusdesigner:instructions_for_use:instructions_for_use#user_profile|User Profile]]** // Recommended user education and experience level. // **[[bolusdesigner:instructions_for_use:instructions_for_use#user_responsibilities|User Responsibilities]]** // Testing responsibilities for ensuring correct setup and configuration of decimal Bolus designer for clinical safety. ===== User Guide ===== The decimal Bolus Designer [[bolusdesigner:userguide:userguide|User Guide]] provides help material as well as walkthrough guides and a glossary of terms associated with the application. //**[[bolusdesigner:userguide:userguide#getting_started|Getting Started]]**// Basic setup and overview of decimal Bolus Designer. //**[[bolusdesigner:userguide:userguide#application_tutorials|Application Tutorials]]**// Examples and guides for performing common tasks in decimal Bolus Designer. //**[[bolusdesigner:userguide:systemrequirements|System Requirements]]**// Workstation and network requirements for using the decimal Bolus Designer. ===== Reference Documentation ===== //**{{:bolusdesigner:usr-015_dicom_conformance_statement.pdf|Dicom Conformance Statement}}**// decimal Bolus Designer DICOM Conformance Statement. decimal Bolus Designer is compliant with the NEMA 2020 DICOM specification. As such, any other systems (e.g.: Record and Verify) that are also compliant with this specification should be able to read the RT Plans generated from decimal Bolus Designer. //**[[http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/pdf/part03.pdf|DICOM-PS3.3 2020b]]**// NEMA 2020 DICOM Part 3: Information Object Definitions specification. \\ ===== About ===== // **[[electronRT:about:acknowledgements|Acknowledgements]]** // Use of third-party components in decimal Bolus Designer. ===== Support ===== For questions, comments, support requests, bug reporting, or to schedule a training session, please contact our customer support team at: 1-800-255-1613 or customersupport@dotdecimal.com. ---- //USR-016// Copyright © 2022-Present .decimal, LLC. All Rights Reserved. \\ 121 Central Park Place, Sanford, FL 32771 \\ 1-800-255-1613