====== decimal Bolus Designer Version History ====== {{https://dotdecimal.com/wp-content/themes/decimal/favicon.ico?nolink&100 |}} This section is intended to provide access to previous versions of the decimal Bolus Designer documentation. Below you will find the userguide for each released version of the app. To find your application's current version use the top "View" menu and select "App Info"; the "Version" field will contain your current version of the App. User Guide information is directly available on this website for the current latest release and PDF files are provided for offline user guide access for all application versions below. ---- ====== Release Notes ====== ===== decimal Bolus Designer 1.0.0 ===== PENDING, 2022 - {{ :bolusdesigner:decimal_bolus_designer_userguide_1.0.0.pdf|Download decimal Bolus Designer 1.0.0 User Guide}} //What's New// * Initial Release of the decimal Bolus Designer to allow customers to design and edit DICOM structures as a bolus //Bug Fixes// * None ----