This page is deprecated and now included in the [[planning:userguide:tutorials:finding_optimal_plan|Astroid Optimization (PBS)]] page ====== Optimization Objectives ====== //Objectives// communicate to the optimizer the goals that are important to strive for in your plan. //Objectives// are set at the //Plan// level under //Plan Constraints/Objectives// and they apply to the total, combined dose from all beams. //Objectives// are not given any relative importance at this point (i.e. their order within the list is not meaningful). The //Objectives// drive the solution of the Multi Criteria Optimization (MCO) and for each //Objective//, a corresponding //Navigation Slider// will be presented to allow for exploration of trade-offs in the case of competing objectives (for more information about the MCO process and how objective importance/weighting is handled in Astroid refer to [[planning:userguide:tutorials:finding_optimal_plan|this article]]). The following objective selections are available in Astroid: * **min_max**: Minimize the maximum dose within a structure (drive dose down) * **max_min**: Maximize the minimum dose within a structure (drive dose up) [{{ :planning:userguide:tutorials:objectives_min_max.png?390 | min_max: Minimize the Max Dose }}][{{ :planning:userguide:tutorials:objectives_max_min.png?390 | max_min: Maximize the Min Dose}}] * **min_mean**: Minimize the mean dose within a structure (drive dose down) * **max_mean**: Maximize the mean dose across the structure (drive dose up) * **min_overdose**: Minimize the high dose within a structure * Dose will be driven down only until the specified limit is reached (this is often more relevant that min_max, since it may not be beneficial to continue minimizing beyond a certain dose level) * **min_underdose**: Minimize the low dose within a structure * Dose will be driven up only until the specified limit is reached (this is often more relevant that max_min, since it may not be beneficial to continue maximizing beyond a certain dose level) [{{ :planning:userguide:tutorials:objectives_min_over.png?390 | min_overdose: Minimize the high dose}}][{{ :planning:userguide:tutorials:objectives_min_under.png?390 | min_underdose: Minimize the low dose}}] ===== Working with Objectives ===== - Open the //Objectives/Optimizer// sub-block contained in the //Optimization// block - Choose a structure to which you wish to apply objectives - Check the boxes to activate the desired objectives for the structure and then set the dose level if applicable {{ :planning:userguide:tutorials:optimization_plan_objectives.png?200 |}} Once all the //Objectives// have been set, the user is ready to run the MCO solver, which is performed in the //Objectives/Optimizer// block.