Table of Contents

decimal Ordering Tool Keyboard & Mouse Controls

The following page details the shortcut keys provided in the user interface of the decimal Ordering Tool app. The shortcuts are detailed in their appropriate section of use.

Mouse Controls

Display Views
Key Description
Double Left Click Reset Zoom (fit to scene display)
Right Click + Drag Up Zoom in
Right Click + Drag Down Zoom out
Middle Click + Drag Pan
Left Click + Drag Rotate (3D only)

Keyboard Controls

Key Description
[ Toggle expansion of left side task menu
] Toggle expansion of right side task menu
Ctrl + = Increase font size
Ctrl + + Increase font size
Ctrl + - Decrease font size
Ctrl + 0 Reset font size to default
F1 Open the user guide to the appropriate article based on the current block/task
F5 Manual Forced refresh of application and data
F11 Toggle full screen view
3D Views
Key Description
Ctrl + 1 Reset the camera to view from the front perspective
Ctrl + 2 Reset the camera to view from the left perspective
Ctrl + 3 Reset the camera to view from the right perspective
Ctrl + 4 Reset the camera to view from the back perspective
Ctrl + 5 Reset the camera to view from the top perspective
Ctrl + 6 Reset the camera to view from the bottom perspective
Ctrl + 7 Reset the camera to view from the isometric perspective