Table of Contents

Application Usage and Features

Launching The Application

In order to Launch the decimal Ordering Tool app you must use the decimal Launcher to authenticate and open your desired application.

NOTE: You will need your .decmial Direct user Log in.

  1. Download and install the decimal Launcher.
  2. Log in with your .decmial credentials.
  3. Find decimal Ordering Tool and download/launch the application.

For further instructions please refer to the decimal Launcher User Guide.

Ordering a Device

The decimal Ordering Tool supports selecting and ordering the following file types, part types, and materials:

File Type Part Type Material
STL* Bolus Blue Wax
FlexiBol (silicone)

*Note: STL files are required to be binary format and not ascii.

Order Information

Once a supported file type is opened the order information can be filled in. See below for a description of each order field and how it will be used for the order:

Field Description
Part Type Required Field.
The specified part type to be ordered
Material Required Field.
The material for the order based on the selected part type
Patient Body Required Field.
Unique to Flexibol (Silicone) material option.
The corresponding patient body STL file for the selected bolus STL file.
Required Delivery Required Field.
The shipping speed desired*:
  • Standard: Overnight delivery by end of day
  • Rush: Overnight delivery before noon
    • Note: extra charges may apply for Rush delivery

*Refer to the decimal Direct Shipping Estimate Calculator for a detailed estimate for when your part will ship from .decimal.

Patient Required Field (limit 50 characters).
An anonymous identifying label for the order's patient. This defaults to the selected file name.
Note: .decimal requires this to not contain plain text PHI/PII.
Beam Description Required Field (limit 50 characters).
A user desired description for this beam/device present on order reports. This defaults to the selected file name.
Note: .decimal requires this to not contain plain text PHI/PII.
Comp ID Required Field (limit 50 characters).
A user desired label for this device that will be included on the hardware labeling and present on order reports. This defaults to the selected file name.
Note: .decimal requires this to not contain plain text PHI/PII.
Machine Required Field.
Any text label that describes the machine being used for the part. This defaults to “Machine” and is not used for order reports or order processing.
PO Number Optional Field.
If applicable, an existing Purchase Order number that will be included and referenced on the final Invoice for the order

PHI/PII Warning
Order information fields can ship up on invoices, packing slips, and other places not guaranteed to be protected by authorized access. As such, these fields should not contain any PHI/PII.

Order Address

The order address is automatically configured for your site within decimal Direct by your Site Manager. Please contact your Site Manager or .decimal Customer Service (Phone: 1.800.255.1613, E-Mail: if you require changing this address.

Placing an Order

Once all required order fields have been filled in the Begin Order button will enable allowing you to order the device to decimal Direct.

Confirm the order address and place the order and the order will be uploaded, validated, and placed to decimal Direct. Once the order is successfully placed you will receive a successful order confirmation message within the application.

Ordering Errors

If there was an error placing your order the application will display the error, details of the error, and provide a link to the decimal Direct ordering page. Clicking this link will automatically navigate you and log you in to decimal Direct.

Users should contact .decimal Customer Support (1-800-255-1613) for assistance in placing their order to ensure a timely delivery.

Note: Depending on the error your order may successfully be uploaded to decimal Direct. So there may be no need to re-upload the order.

3D Viewer Controls / Options

The following settings are used to modify the visuals of the 3D part display.

Display Controls

Application Settings

The following settings are present within the decimal Ordering Tool settings UI accessed within the View → Settings menu:



There are no specific application settings for the decimal Ordering Tool at this time.


The local disk cache is where calculation results are stored on the client computer.

Users can choose to manually clear the disk cache or let it clear oldest data as the cache fills. Refer to Data Management Storage and Caching for more information.
