Launching Astroid

The Astroid Launcher will house the various applications that will be used as part of the Astroid Treatment Planning system. Any updates to these applications will automatically be deployed to the Launcher. The user will be notified that there is an update or a new version that will need installation once they have chosen an application. This will ensure that cloud version of Launcher and the local version of Launcher remain synchronized. Use the following steps to open the Launcher and launch the Astroid Planning App:

  1. Open the Launcher
  2. Sign in using your account, user name and password
  3. Click the blue Login button
  4. Select your realm from the list of available realms
  5. From the left side tool bar select the application you would like to launch
  6. Click the blue Launch button
    1. If there is an updated version of this application, the Launch button will not appear and instead an Install button will be available. Click this to allow the latest version to install. After the latest version is installed, the blue button will revert back to Launch, which you can now click
  7. This will open the Astroid Planning application and bring you directly to the main patient search screen
  8. You may now proceed with opening a current patient or importing a new patient