Table of Contents

decimal Bolus Designer Overview

App Version: 1.0.0
Note: This user guide is intended only for the latest version of the decimal Bolus Designer app listed above. Please refer to the decimal Bolus Designer version history for the complete listing of user guides.

decimal Bolus Designer is used for designing and editing DICOM structure files to .decimal for manufacturing as a bolus treatment device. The decimal Bolus Designer app allows users to import DICOM files, edit or design the treatment bolus, and place the order to decimal Direct.

decimal Bolus Designer is powered by p.d bolus design algorithms and is considered to be a re-branded p.d family product. The decimal Bolus Designer application extends the 'Structure as Bolus' p.d functionality and provides a simpler application interface and more feature rich structure based bolus design tools.

Instructions For Use

The decimal Bolus Designer Instructions For Use outlines the intended use and user requirements of using the decimal Bolus Designer app.

Overview Intended use and indications for use of the application.

Warning Warning of potential misuse.

User Profile Recommended user education and experience level.

User Responsibilities Testing responsibilities for ensuring correct setup and configuration of decimal Bolus designer for clinical safety.

User Guide

The decimal Bolus Designer User Guide provides help material as well as walkthrough guides and a glossary of terms associated with the application.

Getting Started Basic setup and overview of decimal Bolus Designer.

Application Tutorials Examples and guides for performing common tasks in decimal Bolus Designer.

System Requirements Workstation and network requirements for using the decimal Bolus Designer.

Reference Documentation

Dicom Conformance Statement decimal Bolus Designer DICOM Conformance Statement. decimal Bolus Designer is compliant with the NEMA 2020 DICOM specification. As such, any other systems (e.g.: Record and Verify) that are also compliant with this specification should be able to read the RT Plans generated from decimal Bolus Designer.

DICOM-PS3.3 2020b NEMA 2020 DICOM Part 3: Information Object Definitions specification.


Acknowledgements Use of third-party components in decimal Bolus Designer.


For questions, comments, support requests, bug reporting, or to schedule a training session, please contact our customer support team at: 1-800-255-1613 or


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