Table of Contents

Patient Courses

Once you have a Patient imported you will need to set up a Course for that patient before being able to create any treatment plans. A Course is used to define the patient's anatomy (e.g.: a single DICOM Structure Set and CT Image Set).

The Course Information settings decided here will be inherited by any plans in this Course and can be edited in the Course UI later to update all non-approved plans within the Course.

Fig. 1: Empty Course Block


In the Course block you can set the following fields:

Fig. 2: Course Example

Course Structures

Certain tasks within eRT require structures to be set to a specific type, and their type is set based on the DICOM RT ROI Interpreted Type (3006,00A4) tag during initial patient import. The Course Structures user interface allows users to change the type of each structure within the patient course.

Fig. 3: Editing Course Structures

Note: The RT ROI Interpreted Type (3006,00A4) tag is optional in a DICOM RT Structure Set. As such, the structure type drop down may be empty if no structure type was specified in the imported DICOM files.