Table of Contents

Electron Treatment Plans

Once the patient has a course with a valid prescription, a plan can be created. When adding a new plan to a patient, the user will be prompted to add a name and an optional description for the plan.

Fig. 1: Creating a Plan

From the Patient Overview, the user can choose to clone an existing plan. As the cloned plan will be a copy of the original plan (except for the plan name and if cloning an approved plan, the clone will be unapproved), the user should name the cloned plan appropriately to avoid confusion.

Fig. 2: Cloning a Plan

The user may also choose to make an existing plan inactive. Doing so will remove (hide) the plan from the Patient Overview. The user can view inactive plans and have the option to make them active again if they click the “Show Inactive Plans” check box.

Fig. 3: Making a Plan Inactive

Fig. 4: Viewing Inactive Plans

Approved Plans

Refer to Plan Approval for information on approved plans.

Plan History

The plan history UI exists within the General Info block of the plan overview. This interface allows users to view the details of all changes to a treatment plan, view the plan as it was at the time of each revision (as read-only), and make any past revision “active” as the current revision (i.e. restore a plan to match the selected revision).

Refer to figure 5 below for a detailed explanation for each of the Plan History features.

Fig. 5: Plan History

Plan History UI Explained

Imported Plans

After a DICOM plan is successfully imported, it will appear under the course containing the structure set that the plan is linked to it. The plan is marked as imported in the Patient Overview.

Fig. 6: Imported Plan in Patient Overview

When opening a newly imported plan, the user must first select the CT curve and treatment machine in order to view the imported plan overview.

Fig. 7: Imported Plan Configuration

Unlike plans created in the decimal ElectronRT plan, users are limited in what they can do with imported plans. Users cannot add points, density overrides, or edit beams other than adding a Structure as Bolus into an imported plan. Users can approve imported plans and order devices from approved imported plans, but they cannot use QA Tools.

Packing and Exporting Plans

If a plan has to be sent to .decimal for the purpose of troubleshooting, the user is able to pack and export the plan into a zipped folder that can be imported into a different site while still using the data of the original site and machine. The Pack and Export Plan button found after expanding the Plan database info in the General Info block will generate the necessary zipped folder.

Only unapproved plans can be packed. If you require to pack and send .decimal an approved plan, please clone the plan and send the cloned unapproved plan to .decimal.

The resulting .zip file can be sent to .decimal to unpack and view your patient/plan to reproduce any application issues.

Note: The packed data does potentially contain PHI/PII so should only be sent to .decimal staff using secure file transfer services. The exported files are not encrypted (so that .decimal staff can re-import them), but are a non-human readable, proprietary compressed binary format.

Fig. 8: Pack and Export Plan Option