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IT/Network Troubleshooting

Common Issues and Resolutions

  1. Blocking the required .decimal url/port:
    1. .decimal applications require specific urls(or IPs) and ports to be unblocked in order to authenticate and place orders to .decimal's servers. Refer to the System and Network Requirements document provided by .decimal staff.
  2. Proxies / Web Security Appliance (WSA):
    1. Some WSAs will attempt to decrypt and inspect our HTTPS traffic. Some customers have needed to include an exception in this security device as this can impact and cause our encrypted and authenticated HTTPS traffic to encounter errors while in transit between the client software installed at the clinical facility and .decimal's servers.

Troubleshooting Steps

Compatibility Checker

Running the compatibility checker will ensure that all required .decimal IP addresses and ports are not being blocked

support/it_troubleshooting.1637180289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/17 20:18 by dpatenaude