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Application Features

Standard Blocks

decimal3D allows users to select and order a standard block from a predetermined library of shapes. Currently the library is compromised of:

  • Circles
    • 1cm to 23cm diameter in 0.5cm increments
  • Squares
    • 1cm to 23cm diameter in 0.5cm increments

When creating a beam users can choose to check their patient contour against the fit of the supported standard blocks.

The 10 best fitting standard blocks from the library will be displayed to the user. The quality of fit is computed as the coverage ratio (digitized area / standard shape area). Results are also limited to include only standard shapes that fully enclose the user's digitized shape and to only the currently selected applicator/cone size. Additionally, if the user's facility has previously purchased standard blocks for the given applicator, at least the two top fitting previously purchased standard blocks will be included in the provided list. Such previously purchased standard blocks are clearly indicated as such and the purchase date is shown to the user.

Users may select a standard block from the list, causing the original patient contour to be displayed along with the standard block shape, allowing users to make a visual assessment of the quality of fit for each standard block. If saved, the selected standard block shape will be stored to the beam and then be used for ordering and DICOM export of that beam/block. Ordering a standard block will automatically add it to the user's purchase history as well.

Standard blocks will be automatically removed when the user begins editing a saved beam. This is intentional as changes to the beam parameters may cause the selected standard block to become inappropriate for treatment. If edits are needed, the user should make the edits, then re-compute and re-select the desired standard block.

decimal3d/userguide/tutorials/all_tutorials.1623948701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/29 18:24 (external edit)