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p.d Version History

This section is intended to provide access to previous versions of the p.d documentation for releases of p.d after 5.4.0.

Release Notes

p.d 5.4.7

May 31, 2024


  • Adds a Copy Beam option by right clicking on a beam
  • Adds option to shift digitized electron blocks to allow fitting onto the user selected cone
  • Added a p.d app specific permission to allow patient initials in order file


  • Updated the Order Wizard and authentication processes to be less sensitive to short term connection interruptions
  • DICOM export is now allowed for invalid bolus designs (e.g. bolus extends off CT image bounds), but ordering remains blocked and error message text is improved
  • Updated Electron Aperture millability function to use more robust library, now matching Proton Apertures
  • Changes Reports to set material for blocks from the block data, not as a hardcode
  • Changes photon block material to Brass instead of Cerrobend in order files
  • Fixes the bolus structure name on Bolus PDF reports
  • Removes URL unfriendly characters from MRN (only for those using MRN in patient order files, this is RARE)
  • Updates the Order Wizard to check CompIDs for patient name on initial wizard load (prevents issue that allowed digitized EAs to have full names in CompID)
  • Adds options for news articles to contain images
  • Moves Order Tracking button to be more visible and adds commonly used action buttons to Welcome Page header
  • Fixes a bug allowing 10×6 to be selected when the block opening is larger than this size
  • Updates maximum allowed cutout opening size for Elekta Electron blocks (size is now at applicator plane as per Elekta specifications)
  • Fixes a bug that could result in two EXTERNAL structures in an exported DICOM Structure Set file
  • Updates electron block display color from yellow to copper
  • Bolus Wizard now computes and displays the surface area and volume of each bolus
  • Forces user to select body for FlexiBol when “External” is not set during import
  • Disallow body and bolus as same structure when designing a bolus
  • Updated the “Structure as Bolus” option of the Bolus Wizard to compute and display the Volume, Surface Area, and Size of a bolus


  • Updates the Machine data and Machine Settings to support proton machines that have a single snout that holds multiple size AP/RC (e.g. via a tray)
  • Updates the Machine data and Machine Settings to allow a new proton RC/AP engraving option that uses the Beam Name and Device Accessory Code (also updated max characters to 52 for this option)
  • Updates the proton aperture tool size to match the latest manufacturing sizes and also allows smaller APs (i.e. Hitachi SRS) to use the recently added smaller diameter tool
  • Removes the warning regarding missing Range Compensators for proton PBS plans as RCs are rarely used for PBS
  • Updates the BEV window for proton plans to indicate sizes are shown as projected to the isocenter plane
  • Fixes a bug preventing use of proton aperture/range compensator “cores”
  • Fixes a bug that made the RingDiameter and maxRadius fields blank in proton order files (non-divergent apertures)

p.d 5.4.6

October 27, 2022

What's New

  • Added a Site Level application permission to decimal Direct to require p.d users at a site to enter Bill PO information for each order.
  • Updated the Electron Block Digitizer Wizard to show the original scanned image by default instead of the color corrected image.
  • Updated the Electron Block Digitizer Wizard to always hide the automatic orientation button to be more intuitive to users where auto orientation fails.
  • Updated the Order Wizard to hide the manual ordering option if the user does not have the required permission.
  • Updated the Order Summary Report to include the anonymized patient ID.
  • Increases the default Structure Resolution to 300 and removes permission control on editing this field. This may help some instances of customer bolus devices having holes if the bolus has been correctly contoured.
  • Updated Bolus Wizard defaults to better support common use cases, including:
    • Changed the default “Target Inner Border” value to zero
    • Changed the default “Point Spacing” to “Fine” if field size less than 8cm
    • Changed the default “Depth Beyond Target” to 1cm
    • Changed the default “Distal PTV Dose” to 80% if field size less than 8×8 AND energy 9MeV and lower
    • Changed the default “Unmilled Margin” to 1.5cm
  • Updated the Bolus Wizard to include the normalization value in the wizard for added user convenience.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrects several errors in the bolus dose normalization code that caused lower than expected maximum dose for small fields and low energies.

p.d 5.4.5

July 18, 2022

What's New

  • Updated the linear accelerator machine type to remove deprecated types. The new options are now 'Varian', 'Siemens', and 'Elekta'.
  • Added a label to BEV to denote the block sizes are at isocenter / 100 SSD.
  • Added a more obvious order failed message during the Order Wizard.
  • Added a right click structure option to set the structure transparency
  • Added a smoothing controls to the Structure as Bolus option
  • Added a new option to export the user usage logs in the p.d About dialog

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a scenario where user emails would be missing from the usage logs
  • Fixed the bolus off CT bounds error not updating when the bolus calculations are finished
  • Fixed non-USA address validation errors during the Order Wizard that would block the user from placing the order

p.d 5.4.4

March 24, 2022

What's New

  • Removes patient initials from order files and default device engravings
    • A p.d generated anonymized ID is now assigned so that no PHI is transmitted to .decimal servers
  • Updated Structure as Bolus to prevent the user from selecting the DICOM external structure as the bolus structure
  • Added a “Track Recent Orders” button that takes the user to the Direct Status page
  • Added support for international shipping addresses in order files

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that causes p.d to crash when importing some structure sets

p.d 5.4.3

January 3, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when opening the Digitizer Wizard.

p.d 5.4.2

November 10, 2021

What's New

  • Added button to About window to activate Windows 7 Compatibility Mode.
  • Added new diagnostic logging for when p.d successfully authenticates with .decimal remote servers.
  • Updated p.d menu icon to make it more clear the button opens a menu.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated p.d to set CT image HU value maximum to 8000 to prevent error from metal artifacts

p.d 5.4.1

September 20, 2021

What's New

  • Updated all design wizard machine drop downs to only include machines for the current site facility (selected from the decimal Launcher)
  • Updated p.d to no longer include or uses addresses from the treatment machine
  • Updated p.d ordering address to use the decimal Direct shipping address and disabled changing of the ordering address in the Order Wizard

Bug Fixes

  • none

p.d 5.4.0

August 26, 2021

What's New

  • Updated p.d to be installed and launched from the decimal Launcher application
    • Removed the login screen as p.d must always be launched using the decimal Launcher
    • Removed internal update mechanics from p.d as install and updates will be managed by the decimal Launcher
  • Updated the Import Wizard machine drop downs to only include machines with the current application site ID (sent from the decimal Launcher)
  • Added a new Planning Menu option to take the user to the user profile management page of decimal Direct

Bug Fixes

  • none

pdotd/pdotd_versions.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/31 17:22 by kerhart