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Plan Publishing

Once a physician has approved a plan it should be Published. Publishing a plan allows the user to lock the plan. This means that once a plan has been Published no changes may be made to that plan. A plan that has been Published will be available to “view only”. The Plan History will show the date and time a plan is Published as well as the user who Published it. A plan may not be changed or archived once it has been Published. If a user needs to make a change to a Published plan they will need to copy the Published plan in order to do so. Once the Published plan is cloned they may proceed to make any changes desired.

The following steps outline how to publish a plan in the Astroid Planning App:

  1. Open the General/History block from the Plan Overview
  2. Select the Publish button
  3. Fill in any information that is needed in the appropriate blocks
  4. One the information has been filled select the Publish button
  5. The plan will now be denoted in the Patient Overview and the user will just have the ability to view or clone the plan
planning/userguide/tutorials/plan_publishing.1498581858.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/29 18:25 (external edit)